Sunday, July 21, 2013

Costa Rica and Burlingame Farmer's Market

Some watercolors from this and last weekend. I took a surprise trip to Costa Rica last weekend, from Friday at midnight until Monday morning. It was fast but beautiful. Saw my good friends Shaun and Linda and a bunch of wild creatures such as pit vipers, sloths, monkeys and more!

This morning I stopped by the Burlingame Farmer's Market and sketched some of the set up. I like the early morning activity of early shoppers, vendors unloading trucks and of course, fresh pastries!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Carrier Operations

A Concept of a VTOL naval fighter jet based on current aviation technology.

Water Colors of San Francisco, Burlingame

Saturday, July 6th. Beautiful morning so I walked over to the Burlingame Train Station to do a quick painting in my sketchbook with watercolors.  I think its time to buy another sized brush, doing text on the sign and small details is almost impossible with my waterbrush. So fun though.

These two I did with King Chen in SF back a month ago or so. We got a diner breakfast in the teder-nob area and drove up to Inspiration point past Arguelo gate in the Presidio of SF. Plenty of tourists filtered in behind us from all over the world as the sun rose up over the city to our south East. I got it the top watercolor and did a pen sketch of the view to our right of Presidio Heights. We later drove to sea-cliff where I jotted down the water color on the bottom left.

Watercolor has become my favorite sketching medium because of its immediacy and ease of clean up and small amount of supplies to carry. Now I am just working on gaining more control of the medium as I go, one painting at a time.