Sunday, June 24, 2012

Trying on some Sparth

I have been realizing that in my quest to become a more effective painter, I have at times started to overwork things and get away from the impulsive and creative. Its true that I am still trying to improve my finished rendering skills and don't want to stop that, but I also want to get back to creating a striking image that doesn't need too much detail to get across an idea. I just finished reading Structura 2, the art of Sparth and thought I would do an image using those methods. It feels great to work and leave things more unresolved and indicative rather than explanative.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Missle Platform

Here is a fun concept I did for a vehicle in Wasteland empires which will launch surface to surface missiles.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Nuclear Jet- Pack

Back from the trip and boy am I tired. Thought I would post some character art I was doing at work.